Parsing and generating code using clang

  • Stream 1
  • Intramural
  • 20:10
  • RU

Зачастую в промышленном программировании возникают рутинные задачи, которые могут быть единожно эффективно решены с помощью кодогенерации. В докладе представлена классификация таких проблем в контексте С++ и предложено решение, основанное на семействе инструментов clang. Приводятся примеры решения подобных задач из реальных проектов.
In programming frequently occurs a situation when routine tasks appear, which can be solved once by effectively using code generating. Classification of such problems is going to be presented in the report in C++ context and solution is going to be advised based on clang tools family. Solution examples of real projects are going to be shown at the presentation.


Anton Naumovich

Development Manager @LogicNow

Development Manager at LogicNow, in MAXBackup product. Specializes in low-level development, architecture, performance, debugging. COMAQA.BY community activist. Worked for Microsoft (Hyper-V product) in the past

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